Let It Grow Organic Gardens

And I resumed the struggle. -Vladimir

Wednesday, March 18, 2009

We Forgot Our Straws

Things are beginning to look promising. There are hints of tiny green rows in the lower field - the radishes are coming up. Green rows are always more encouraging then random green things spread around the fields. Rows means you planted it and meant it to be there.
Tomatoes are up in the greenhouse. In the incubation house, they germinated in a bit more than 48 hours. It's all about the incubation house.
Carol Lynn came by yesterday to get her plants. She was all fired up to get them right into the ground. I sort of tried to talk her into holding off a bit, then second thought it and decided it would be alright to get the brassicas out. Then I decided she should wait.
She won't.
We took Isiah to Grits for dinner. I told Isiah about orchard mason bees, non-social, non-honey making, pollinating hymenopteras that can be attracted to the garden. They lay eggs in sap-sucker holes or worm holes in trees, holes that can be simulated with soda straws. We decided we'd save our straws and bundle them together and hang them in an apple tree and wait for the bees to be born.
Then we talked about Spring, and how you can plot sunrise times on a graph, and how it's snowing in Calgary and how they're setting tomatoes out in Texas. Carol Lynn went back to her farm, and Isiah and I left for ours. We got back only to realize that we for got our straws. Isiah solved the problem immediately. Tonight, we're going to have to go back to Grits for more dessert.


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