Let It Grow Organic Gardens

And I resumed the struggle. -Vladimir

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Teeny Tiny Green Things

The transformation has begun.
The flat brown surface in the greenhouse, the one caused by the trays and trays filled with potting soil, is slowly turning green.
It starts with a tiny little spot right in the center of each plastic square. The dot gets bigger, and bigger, and bigger. You walk into the greenhouse one day and all pf the sudden the flat brown surface is multi-textured, green and alive.


  • At February 25, 2009 5:26 PM, Anonymous Anonymous said…

    Dear Frank,
    Hi, I would like to remind you to get some little greeny spelanthes going (I hope I spelled that right). I think I would like to get 14 of them and dental hygiene graduation ceremony is May 15. Please let me know prices before you go crazy. You can contact me at barbarasloss@yahoo.com
    Thanks. I am glad you are using your green digits for green goodness.


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